Liver Cirrhosis: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

liver transplant in Delhi
liver transplant in Delhi

Cirrhosis is a condition whereby the gradual replacement of the liver’s healthy tissue with scarring over time.

This condition may manifest in individuals with liver disease, leading to inflammation or swelling.

Unhealthy lifestyle choices, such as a poor diet or excessive alcohol consumption, can contribute to the development of cirrhosis.

The dedicated medical professionals at the UPMC Center for Liver Diseases, recognized for providing the best liver transplant in Delhi, possess expertise in managing cirrhosis and its associated complications.


In the initial stages, cirrhosis may not exhibit noticeable symptoms. However, as liver damage progresses, signs may become apparent.

Symptoms of early cirrhosis may mimic those of other conditions, it’s important to talk to your doctor when you have them if you experience:

Swelling in the abdomen, ankles, or legs
Persistent fatigue or weakness
Decreased appetite and weight loss
Nausea and vomiting
Muscle weakness or cramps
Discomfort on the upper right side of your abdomen

Cirrohsis Skin:-

You could also bleed or bruise easily and start to notice other changes in your skin, such as:

Itching, which may be intense
Spider web-like blood vessels on your face, chest, or arms
Redness in the palms of your hands or whitening of your nails
Jaundice (when your skin and eyes turn yellow)
Other symptoms of cirrhosis

If you don’t get treatment for the cause of your cirrhosis, it’ll get worse. The symptoms will get worse, too. They might include:

Changes to the way you think, such as problems with concentration or memory
Trouble sleeping
Wider or thicker fingertips (clubbed fingers)
Hair loss
Nosebleeds or bleeding gums
Lack of sex drive or ability
Pee that looks brownish or orange
Light-colored poop
Blood in your poop
Vomiting blood
Bones that break more easily
You stop having periods if you’re a woman (or were assigned as female at birth)
You see shrinkage in your testicles or start to develop breasts if you’re a man or were assigned male at birth

Bear in mind that you may not experience all of these symptoms, and certain issues can also be indicative of other conditions.

Seek immediate medical attention if:

Your stools appear black or tar-like.
You’re vomiting blood.
You are experiencing severe abdominal pain.
You feel excessively confused and drowsy.
You have a high fever accompanied by uncontrollable shaking.
The whites of your eyes suddenly exhibit a yellowish hue.

Causes and Risk Factors

Cirrhosis invariably results from an underlying liver problem or disease. Failure to address the root cause of cirrhosis can lead to its progression, eventually overwhelming the capacity of healthy liver cells to function. Over time, the liver may lose its ability to function adequately or cease functioning altogether.

Identifying the specific cause of cirrhosis is crucial for receiving appropriate treatment and preventing further deterioration. The predominant causes include:

Alcohol abuse: If you struggle with alcohol consumption, seeking assistance is vital. Alcohol can cause harm to your liver, and consulting with your doctor may lead to a referral to a treatment program.

Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: Conditions such as type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and obesity elevate the risk of developing fatty liver disease. In cases where cirrhosis is linked to fatty liver disease, adopting measures such as weight loss and maintaining optimal blood sugar levels could positively impact liver health.

Hepatitis B or hepatitis C: Medications tailored for these viral infections can play a crucial role in preventing further liver damage. Seeking appropriate medical intervention is essential for managing hepatitis-related cirrhosis.

Various other conditions that may result in cirrhosis comprise:

Cystic fibrosis
Conditions affecting the body’s sugar processing capabilities
Excessive accumulation of iron in the body
Wilson’s disease, characterized by an overabundance of copper stored in the liver
Autoimmune disorders provoking an attack on liver cells by the body’s immune system
Obstruction of the bile duct, responsible for transporting digestive enzymes from the liver to the intestines
Specific inherited digestive disorders
Certain infections, including syphilis and brucellosis
Adverse reactions to particular medications
Chronic heart failure leading to liver congestion

Cryptogenic cirrhosis refers to a condition where the liver scarring occurs without a clear identifiable cause. Typically, a doctor arrives at this diagnosis after eliminating other potential causes.

This type of cirrhosis has been associated with a form of fatty liver disease known as nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), characterized by persistent inflammation in the liver over an extended period.

Cryptogenic cirrhosis

Cryptogenic cirrhosis refers to a condition where the liver scarring occurs without a clear identifiable cause. Typically, a doctor arrives at this diagnosis after eliminating other potential causes. This type of cirrhosis has been associated with a form of fatty liver disease known as nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), characterized by persistent inflammation in the liver over an extended period.

Cirrhosis Diagnosis

As symptoms may not manifest immediately, the discovery of cirrhosis might occur during a routine checkup at IHPBLT, recognized as the best liver transplant in Delhi. Upon your visit to IHPBLT, our doctors will inquire about your medical history and alcohol consumption.

Additionally, a thorough examination will be conducted to assess the condition of your liver, checking for tenderness or abnormal enlargement.


If our doctors suspect cirrhosis, they will conduct a blood test to examine indicators of impaired liver function, including elevated levels of specific liver enzymes, the accumulation of bilirubin resulting from heme metabolism, reduced protein levels in the blood, abnormal blood count, viral infection, and the presence of antibodies associated with autoimmune liver diseases. Additionally, imaging tests such as MRI or ultrasound of the abdomen may be recommended.

In certain cases, a biopsy, involving the extraction of a liver tissue sample, may be performed to assess the extent of damage and identify the underlying cause of the liver disease.

Liver Transplant

When cirrhosis progresses to the extent that your liver ceases to function, it results in liver failure. The optimal solution is a liver transplant, at IHPBLT at BLK Hospital, recognized as the best liver transplant in Delhi.

This involves replacing your damaged liver with a healthy one obtained from either a deceased donor, for which you may be placed on an organ transplant waiting list, or from a living friend or family member who donates a portion of their liver.

While a liver transplant can extend your life, it is a major surgery with inherent risks such as bleeding and infection. Following the procedure, a crucial step is the ongoing use of medications to prevent rejection of the new organ.

It’s important to note that these immunosuppressive drugs, while essential, come with the potential downside of increased susceptibility to infections due to the suppression of the immune system. For comprehensive liver care and transplant services, visit IHPBLT at BLK Hospital in Delhi.

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